Club Time Trial Results 2017 Season

23 Aug 2017
Evening 10
Warm with blustery winds
Marshalls: S Clarke/P Rickard/D Dewar/P Britton/G Sparks/R Mason
Name Time Bike Points Road bike pts. H'cap points Handicap H'cap time Club Comment
Neil Lauder00:19:47TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Joshua Clark00:20:43TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Matt Kuwertz00:20:51TT/RoadSouthborough & District Wheelers
Paul Greer00:21:35TT/RoadSouthborough & District Wheelers
Lee Buckman00:21:44TT/Road104Still @ 00:0700:21:37Ashford Wheelers
Rodney Smith00:22:00TT/RoadWigmore CC
Andy Branson 00:22:06TT/Road95Still @ 00:3400:21:32Ashford Wheelers
Fabian Large00:22:18TT/RoadDirect Power CT
Steve Wilkinson00:22:19TT/Road34th Nomads CC
Paul Simmons00:22:20TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Phillip Knell00:22:26TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Stewart King00:22:29TT/Road86Still @ 01:0500:21:24Ashford Wheelers
Matt Lewis00:22:30TT/RoadAshford Road Club
David Hampton 00:22:36TT/Road79Still @ 01:2500:21:11Ashford Wheelers
Phil Watkins00:22:39TT/Road34th Nomads CC
Andy Robinson 00:22:45TT/Road68Still @ 01:2700:21:18Ashford Wheelers
Michael Newman 00:23:09TT/Road510Now @ 02:0900:20:41Ashford Wheelers
Danny Frost00:23:16TT/Road4Set @ 02:16Ashford Wheelers
Stephen Marchant00:23:22TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Daniel Evans00:23:35TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Shay Giles00:23:37TT/RoadVC Elan
Mick Claydon 00:24:00TT/Road31Still @ 02:1800:21:42Ashford Wheelers
Jon Hollidge00:24:17TT/Road22Still @ 02:3600:21:41Ashford Wheelers
Mark Amon00:24:33TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Mick James 00:24:49TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Graham Strugnall00:24:58TT/RoadKassei CC - Tekno Fuel
Andy Cornwell 00:25:29TT/Road13Still @ 03:4900:21:40Ashford Wheelers
Rob Sparks00:25:55TT/RoadStill @ 03:3000:22:25Ashford Wheelers
Guy Theron00:26:29TT/RoadDirect Power CT
Roger Wilson00:26:49TT/RoadThornton Road Club
Bob Wilson00:27:06TT/RoadGravesend CC
Lesley Newman 00:28:32TT/Road7Still @ 07:1000:21:22Ashford Wheelers
Chris Nicol00:30:54TT/RoadSet @ 09:54Ashford Wheelers
Mark DoxeyDNFTT/RoadSan Fairy Ann CC
16 Aug 2017
Evening 10
Warm with light winds
Marshalls: S Clarke/P Rickard/A Mayes/ K & J Brice/S Branson/G Curley
Name Time Bike Points Road bike pts. H'cap points Handicap H'cap time Club Comment
Alex Milne00:21:18TT/RoadAshford Tri Club
Lee Buckman00:21:21TT/Road107Still @ 00:0700:21:14Ashford Wheelers
David Rumm00:21:21TT/RoadSouthborough & District Wheelers
Joshua Clark00:21:31TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Steve Gooch 00:21:54TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Fabian Large00:22:13TT/RoadDirect Power CT
Andy Robinson 00:22:27TT/Road99Now @ 01:2700:20:47Ashford Wheelers
Paul Simmons00:22:30TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Stewart King00:22:32TT/Road84Still @ 01:0500:21:27Ashford Wheelers
William Murtagh00:22:41TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Andy Branson 00:22:42TT/Road73Still @ 00:3400:22:08Ashford Wheelers
David Hampton 00:22:44TT/Road66Still @ 01:2500:21:19Ashford Wheelers
Stephen Marchant00:22:54TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Michael Newman 00:23:32TT/Road58Still @ 02:2800:21:04Ashford Wheelers
Mark Amon00:23:37TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Mick Claydon 00:23:38TT/Road45Still @ 02:1800:21:20Ashford Wheelers
Shay Giles00:24:25TT/RoadVC Elan
Mick James 00:25:07TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Andy Cornwell 00:25:32TT/RoadAshford Tri Club
Rob Sparks00:25:47TT/Road32Still @ 03:3000:22:17Ashford Wheelers
Roger Wilson00:26:22TT/RoadThornton Road Club
Bob Wilson00:26:54TT/RoadGravesend CC
Lesley Newman 00:28:10TT/Road210Now @ 07:1000:19:58Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 48 Seconds,Personal Best By 48 Seconds
Mandy Cooper00:31:43TT/RoadAshford Tri Club
Danny Frost00:32:14TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Amanda Williams00:34:40TT/RoadAshford Tri Club
09 Aug 2017
Evening 10
Cloudy with light winds
Marshalls: C Woollard/P Rickard/K & J Brice/S Branson/C Nicol
Name Time Bike Points Road bike pts. H'cap points Handicap H'cap time Club Comment
Lee Buckman00:21:07TT/Road109Now @ 00:0700:20:43Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 17 Seconds
Andy Branson 00:21:52TT/Road98Still @ 00:3400:21:18Ashford Wheelers
Matt Lewis00:22:31TT/RoadAshford Road Club
David Hampton 00:22:52TT/Road85Still @ 01:2500:21:27Ashford Wheelers
Andy Robinson 00:23:04TT/Road76Still @ 01:4000:21:24Ashford Wheelers
Stewart King00:23:18TT/Road62Still @ 01:0500:22:13Ashford Wheelers
Michael Newman 00:23:50TT/Road57Still @ 02:2800:21:22Ashford Wheelers
Mark Amon00:23:56TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Shay Giles00:24:58TT/RoadVC Elan
Rob Sparks00:25:24TT/Road44Still @ 03:3000:21:54Ashford Wheelers
Andy Cornwell 00:25:52TT/Road33Still @ 03:4900:22:03Ashford Wheelers
Roger Wilson00:26:41TT/RoadThornton Road Club
Lesley Newman 00:29:12TT/Road210Now @ 08:1200:20:40Ashford Wheelers
26 Jul 2017
Evening 10
Moderately Strong Winds With Light Rain
Marshalls: Folkestone Velo Club/K & J Brice
Name Time Bike Points Road bike pts. H'cap points Handicap H'cap time Club Comment
John Osborn00:21:16TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Adrian Hawkins00:21:36TT/RoadThanet Road Club
Lee Buckman00:21:43TT/Road107Still @ 00:2400:21:19Ashford Wheelers
Colin Newton00:21:57TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Andy Branson 00:22:04TT/Road95Still @ 00:3400:21:30Ashford Wheelers
Rodney Smith00:22:06TT/RoadWigmore CC
Simon Quested00:22:42TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Stewart King00:22:44TT/Road84Still @ 01:0500:21:39Ashford WheelersFixed Gear
Steve Wilkinson00:22:50TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Colin Woollard 00:22:55TT/Road78Still @ 01:4300:21:12Ashford Wheelers
Fabian Large00:23:01TT/RoadDirect Power CT
Matt Lister00:23:02TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Steve Clarke 00:23:17TT/Road63Still @ 01:1300:22:04Ashford Wheelers
Danny Frost00:23:23TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
David Hampton 00:23:30TT/Road52Still @ 01:2500:22:05Ashford Wheelers
Mike Wood00:23:34TT/Road49Still @ 02:2600:21:08Ashford Wheelers
Andy Robinson 00:23:45TT/Road32Still @ 01:4000:22:05Ashford Wheelers
Gary Pullen00:23:48TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Stephen Marchant00:23:48TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Michael Newman 00:23:51TT/Road26Still @ 02:2800:21:23Ashford Wheelers
Mark Amon00:23:58TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Mick Claydon 00:24:23TT/Road12Still @ 02:1800:22:05Ashford Wheelers
Neil Richardson00:24:42TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Charmaine Pullen00:25:07TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Mick James 00:25:37TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Rob Sparks00:26:07TT/RoadStill @ 03:3000:22:37Ashford Wheelers
Alan Olley00:26:20TT/RoadGravesend CC
Andy Cornwell 00:26:41TT/RoadStill @ 03:4900:22:52Ashford Wheelers
Phil Fletcher00:27:24TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Roland Strange00:27:36TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Bob Wilson00:27:41TT/RoadGravesend CC
Lesley Newman 00:29:33TT/Road10Still @ 08:3200:21:01Ashford Wheelers
Roger WilsonDNFTT/RoadThornton Road Club
19 Jul 2017
Evening 10
Warm with moderate winds
Marshalls: D Hampton/J Hollidge/K & J Brice/R Wood/M Elston
Name Time Bike Points Road bike pts. H'cap points Handicap H'cap time Club Comment
Lee Buckman00:21:24TT/Road1010Now @ 00:2400:20:44Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 7 Seconds
Steve Gooch 00:21:37TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Mark Doxey00:21:43TT/RoadSan Fairy Ann CC
Andy Branson 00:21:57TT/Road92Still @ 00:3400:21:23Ashford Wheelers
David Hampton 00:22:32TT/Road86Still @ 01:2500:21:07Ashford Wheelers
Paul Simmons00:22:42TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Colin Woollard 00:22:43TT/Road79Now @ 01:4300:20:45Ashford Wheelers
Stewart King00:23:18TT/Road6Still @ 01:0500:22:13Ashford Wheelers
Andy Robinson 00:23:21TT/Road51Still @ 01:4000:21:41Ashford Wheelers
Steve Clarke 00:23:26TT/Road4Still @ 01:1300:22:13Ashford Wheelers
Michael Newman 00:23:28TT/Road38Now @ 02:2800:20:47Ashford Wheelers
Mike Wood00:23:42TT/Road25Still @ 02:2600:21:16Ashford Wheelers
Mark Amon00:23:56TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Tristam Burgess00:24:09TT/RoadAshford Tri Club
Mick Claydon 00:24:17TT/Road1Still @ 02:1800:21:59Ashford Wheelers
Rob Sparks00:24:30TT/Road7Now @ 03:3000:20:55Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 2 Seconds,Personal Best By 2 Seconds
Mick James 00:24:44TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Dave Barnes00:25:29TT/RoadGravesend CC
Geoffrey Woodcock00:25:47TT/RoadThornton Road Club
Andy Cornwell 00:25:55TT/RoadStill @ 03:4900:22:06Ashford Wheelers
Alec Mayes 00:26:27TT/Road3Still @ 05:0700:21:20Ashford Wheelers
Roger Wilson00:27:06TT/RoadThornton Road Club
Bob Wilson00:27:20TT/RoadGravesend CC
Ian Franklin00:27:40TT/RoadA5 Rangers CC
Lesley Newman 00:29:50TT/Road4Still @ 08:3200:21:18Ashford Wheelers
12 Jul 2017
Evening 10
Warm with Moderate Winds
Marshalls: C Woollard/K & J Brice/G Curley/M Wood/C Nicol
Name Time Bike Points Road bike pts. H'cap points Handicap H'cap time Club Comment
Neil Lauder00:21:26TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Andy Branson 00:21:34TT/Road109Now @ 00:3400:20:47Ashford Wheelers
Steve Gooch 00:21:37TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Lee Buckman00:21:57TT/Road95Still @ 00:4000:21:17Ashford Wheelers
Stewart King00:22:05TT/Road88Now @ 01:0500:20:54Ashford WheelersFixed Gear
Colin Newton00:22:12TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Matt Lewis00:22:15TT/RoadAshford Road Club
David Hampton 00:22:25TT/Road710Now @ 01:2500:20:36Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 24 Seconds
Phillip Knell00:22:35TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Danny Frost00:23:14TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Andy Robinson 00:23:40TT/Road61Still @ 01:4000:22:00Ashford Wheelers
Michael Newman 00:23:42TT/Road56Still @ 02:4100:21:01Ashford Wheelers
Mick Claydon 00:23:44TT/Road43Still @ 02:1800:21:26Ashford Wheelers
Stephen Marchant00:23:45TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Jon Hollidge00:23:58TT/Road34Still @ 02:3600:21:22Ashford Wheelers
Shay Giles00:24:24TT/RoadVC Elan
Mick James 00:24:36TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Geoffrey Woodcock00:25:36TT/RoadThornton Road Club
Dave Barnes00:25:45TT/RoadGravesend CC
Rob Sparks00:25:49TT/Road2Still @ 03:3500:22:14Ashford Wheelers
Alec Mayes 00:26:35TT/Road12Still @ 05:0700:21:28Ashford Wheelers
Bob Wilson00:26:36TT/RoadGravesend CC
Clara Wood00:26:36TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Lesley Newman 00:29:32TT/Road7Now @ 08:3200:20:57Ashford Wheelers
28 Jun 2017
Evening 25
Overcast & Mild With Light Winds
Marshalls: P Britton/M Clark/G Sparks/C Nicol/A Nye/B Burden/M Lewis
Name Time Bike Points Road bike pts. H'cap points Handicap H'cap time Club Comment
Lee Buckman00:56:02TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Andy Branson 00:58:28TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
David Hampton 00:59:32TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Stewart King01:00:01TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Dan Gooding01:00:08TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Andy Robinson 01:00:16TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Danny Frost01:00:21TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Paul Simmons01:00:34TT/RoadAshford Road Club
William Murtagh01:01:05TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Michael Newman 01:02:30TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Stephen Marchant01:03:00TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Mick Claydon 01:03:11TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Andy Cornwell 01:07:12TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Emma Claydon01:07:55TT/RoadSan Fairy Ann CC
Rob Sparks01:08:10TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Geoffrey Woodcock01:09:16TT/RoadThornton Road Club
Lesley Newman 01:19:22TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Shay GilesDNFTT/RoadVC Elan
21 Jun 2017
Evening 10
Very very hot with light winds
Marshalls: S Wiseman/T Bridge/C Nicol/R Wood/P Britton/M Elston
Name Time Bike Points Road bike pts. H'cap points Handicap H'cap time Club Comment
James Ashburnham00:21:12TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Leigh Foxton00:21:31TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Sam Robinson00:21:37TT/Road1010Now @ 00:3700:19:12Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 23 Seconds,Personal Best By 23 Seconds
Lee Buckman00:21:40TT/Road93Now @ 00:4000:20:48Ashford Wheelers
Andy Branson 00:21:47TT/Road85Now @ 00:4700:20:29Ashford Wheelers
Mark Doxey00:22:02TT/RoadSan Fairy Ann CC
Stewart King00:22:11TT/Road76Now @ 01:1100:20:22Ashford WheelersFixed Gear
Phillip Knell00:22:25TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Steve Clarke 00:22:31TT/Road6Still @ 01:1300:21:18Ashford Wheelers
Andy Robinson 00:22:40TT/Road58Now @ 01:4000:19:54Ashford Wheelers
Danny Frost00:22:57TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Colin Woollard 00:22:58TT/Road42Now @ 01:5800:20:51Ashford Wheelers
Stephen Marchant00:23:01TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
David Hampton 00:23:02TT/Road3Still @ 01:4900:21:13Ashford Wheelers
Mick Claydon 00:23:18TT/Road24Now @ 02:1800:20:39Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 21 Seconds,Personal Best By 21 Seconds
Costin Murray00:23:39TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Mark Amon00:23:40TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Michael Newman 00:23:41TT/Road11Now @ 02:4100:20:53Ashford Wheelers
Adrian Heathfield00:23:52TT/RoadDirect Power CT
Jon Hollidge00:23:55TT/RoadStill @ 02:3600:21:19Ashford Wheelers
Rob Sparks00:24:37TT/RoadStill @ 03:3500:21:02Ashford Wheelers
Andy Cornwell 00:24:49TT/Road7Now @ 03:4900:20:17Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 30 Seconds,Personal Best By 30 Seconds
Mick James 00:24:53TT/RoadSet @ 03:53Ashford Wheelers
Geoffrey Woodcock00:25:18TT/RoadThornton Road Club
Dave Barnes00:25:26TT/RoadGravesend CC
Emma Claydon00:25:36TT/RoadSan Fairy Ann CC
Alec Mayes 00:26:07TT/Road1Now @ 05:0700:20:53Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 7 Seconds
Graham Strugnall00:26:18TT/RoadKassei CC - Tekno Fuel
Clara Wood00:26:29TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Lesley Newman 00:29:35TT/Road9Now @ 08:3500:19:37Ashford Wheelers
14 Jun 2017
Evening 25
Very Very Warm With Moderate winds
Marshalls: L Buckman/M Clark/S Wakefield/C Bowman/G Sparks/B Burden/A Nye
Name Time Bike Points Road bike pts. H'cap points Handicap H'cap time Club Comment
David Hampton 00:59:31TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Andy Robinson 00:59:39TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Matt Lewis00:59:42TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Danny Frost00:59:42TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Colin Woollard 00:59:51TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Stewart King01:00:07TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Andy Quye01:00:36TT/RoadSouthborough & District Wheelers
Steve Clarke 01:00:37TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Paul Simmons01:01:29TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Sam Robinson01:01:30TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Mike Wood01:01:37TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Michael Newman 01:02:25TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Mark Amon01:02:35TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Mick Claydon 01:03:54TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Stephen Marchant01:04:15TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Rob Sparks01:05:52TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Andy Cornwell 01:08:13TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Geoffrey Woodcock01:09:36TT/RoadHythe CC
Alec Mayes 01:09:44TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Graham Strugnall01:10:26TT/RoadKassei CC - Tekno Fuel
Lesley Newman 01:20:35TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Andrew Nye 01:23:00TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Jon HollidgeDNFTT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Mick James DNFTT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
24 May 2017
Evening 10
Very Warm with virtuall no wind
Marshalls: S Bates/T Bridge/P Rickard/A Robinson/A Huckstep/L Buckman
Name Time Bike Points Road bike pts. H'cap points Handicap H'cap time Club Comment
James Ashburnham00:20:58TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Colin Newton00:21:50TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Emma Lewis00:21:52TT/RoadAprire/HSS Hire
Matthew Elston00:21:55TT/Road10Still @ 00:3900:21:16Ashford Wheelers
Leigh Foxton00:21:57TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Steve Gooch 00:22:01TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
John Osborn00:22:07TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Steve Clarke 00:22:13TT/Road98Now @ 01:1300:20:24Ashford Wheelers
Andy Branson 00:22:29TT/Road82Still @ 01:1800:21:11Ashford Wheelers
Phillip Knell00:22:34TT/RoadAshford Road Club
William Murtagh00:22:36TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Craig Joy00:22:41TT/RoadBowlphish Bontrager Racing
Paul Simmons00:22:44TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Andy Quye00:22:46TT/RoadSouthborough & District Wheelers
Stewart King00:22:49TT/Road76Now @ 01:4900:20:38Ashford WheelersFixed Gear
David Hampton 00:22:49TT/Road75Now @ 01:4900:20:40Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 4 Seconds
Danny Frost00:23:05TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Paul Kennedy00:23:05TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Colin Woollard 00:23:07TT/Road5Set @ 02:07Ashford Wheelers
Dan Evans00:23:13TT/RoadAshford Road Club
David Greenwood00:23:15TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Sam Robinson00:23:25TT/Road47Now @ 02:2500:20:36Ashford Wheelers
Mike Wood00:23:26TT/Road3Set @ 02:26Ashford Wheelers
Jon Hollidge00:23:36TT/Road210Now @ 02:36Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 38 Seconds,Personal Best By 38 Seconds
Dan Gooding00:23:37TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Mick Claydon 00:23:39TT/Road19Now @ 02:3900:20:09Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 19 Seconds,Personal Best By 19 Seconds
Costin Murray00:24:02TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Lee Smith00:24:04TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Mark Amon00:24:04TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Mick James 00:24:16TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Rob Sparks00:24:35TT/Road3Now @ 03:3500:20:52Ashford Wheelers
Andy Cornwell 00:25:32TT/Road4Now @ 04:3200:20:50Ashford Wheelers
Graham Strugnall00:25:45TT/RoadKassei CC - Tekno Fuel
Simon Town00:26:13TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Alec Mayes 00:26:26TT/Road1Still @ 05:1400:21:12Ashford Wheelers
Bob Wilson00:26:55TT/RoadClub Grappa
Phil Fletcher00:27:26TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
10 May 2017
Evening 10
Mild with moderate winds
Marshalls: A Robinson/P Rickard/K & J Brice/M Claydon/P Knell
Name Time Bike Points Road bike pts. H'cap points Handicap H'cap time Club Comment
Neil Lauder00:21:06TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Matthew Elston00:21:39TT/Road101Now @ 00:3900:20:44Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 13 Seconds,Personal Best By 13 Seconds
Lee Buckman00:21:52TT/Road9Now @ 00:5200:20:45Ashford Wheelers
Colin Newton00:21:57TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Dean Chapman00:22:12TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Andy Branson 00:22:18TT/Road8Now @ 01:1800:20:50Ashford Wheelers
Rick Perkins00:22:22TT/RoadThanet Road Club
Scott Wiseman00:22:45TT/Road7Now @ 01:4500:20:53Ashford Wheelers
Steve Clarke 00:22:49TT/Road64Now @ 01:4900:20:17Ashford Wheelers
Trevor Bridge00:22:49TT/Road65Now @ 01:4900:20:10Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 48 Seconds,Personal Best By 48 Seconds
Matt Lewis00:22:53TT/RoadAshford Road Club
David Hampton 00:23:09TT/Road4Now @ 02:0900:20:50Ashford Wheelers
Paul Kennedy00:23:18TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Adrian Heathfield00:23:20TT/RoadDirect Power CT
William Murtagh00:23:25TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Michael Newman 00:23:48TT/Road37Now @ 02:4800:19:54Ashford Wheelers
Sam Robinson00:23:49TT/Road29Now @ 02:4900:19:46Ashford Wheelers
Dan Gooding00:23:52TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Stephen Marchant00:24:03TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Andy Robinson 00:24:06TT/Road1Still @ 02:4600:21:20Ashford Wheelers
Jon Hollidge00:24:29TT/RoadSet @ 03:29Ashford Wheelers
Garry Curley00:24:34TT/RoadAshford Tri Club
Rob Sparks00:24:43TT/Road8Now @ 03:4300:19:52Ashford Wheelers
Matt Clark00:24:58TT/Road3Now @ 03:5800:20:28Ashford Wheelers
Mick James 00:25:02TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Costin Murray00:25:04TT/RoadAshford Road Club
John Durey00:25:04TT/RoadVC Deal
Annette Nixon00:25:14TT/RoadDeal Tri
Lee Smith00:25:15TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Andy Cornwell 00:25:42TT/Road2Now @ 04:4200:20:35Ashford Wheelers
Paul Britton 00:26:03TT/RoadSet @ 05:03Ashford Wheelers
Alec Mayes 00:26:14TT/Road6Now @ 05:1400:20:06Ashford WheelersCourse Best By 9 Seconds
Clara Wood00:26:29TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Emma Claydon00:26:37TT/RoadSan Fairy Ann CC
Dave Barnes00:26:56TT/RoadGravesend CC
Phil Fletcher00:28:02TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Bob Wilson00:28:05TT/RoadClub Grappa
Lesley Newman 00:30:58TT/Road10Now @ 09:5800:19:40Ashford Wheelers
03 May 2017
Evening 10
Chilly,with light rain and moderate winds
Marshalls: A Cornwell/P Rickard/L Newman/D Dewar/ K & J Brice
Name Time Bike Points Road bike pts. H'cap points Handicap H'cap time Club Comment
Matthew Elston00:21:55TT/Road10Set @ 00:55Ashford Wheelers
Lee Buckman00:22:07TT/Road99Now @ 01:0700:20:48Ashford Wheelers
Andy Branson 00:22:28TT/Road88Now @ 01:2800:20:56Ashford Wheelers
Scott Wiseman00:22:52TT/Road7Set @ 01:52Ashford Wheelers
David Hampton 00:23:19TT/Road6Set @ 02:19Ashford Wheelers
Steve Clarke 00:23:32TT/Road5Set @ 02:32Ashford Wheelers
Danny Frost00:23:38TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Andy Robinson 00:23:46TT/Road4Set @ 02:46Ashford Wheelers
Paul Simmons00:23:49TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Stewart King00:23:49TT/Road35Still @ 02:1100:21:38Ashford Wheelers
Dean Chapman00:23:58TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Mick Claydon 00:24:30TT/Road2Set @ 03:30Ashford Wheelers
Michael Newman 00:24:54TT/Road110Now @ 03:5400:20:46Ashford Wheelers
Sam Robinson00:25:03TT/RoadSet @ 04:03Ashford Wheelers
Stephen Marchant00:25:08TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Andy Huckstep00:25:20TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Mick James 00:25:27TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Matt Clark00:25:30TT/RoadSet @ 04:30Ashford Wheelers
Rob Sparks00:25:56TT/Road7Still @ 04:5100:21:05Ashford Wheelers
Andy Cornwell 00:26:15TT/Road6Still @ 05:0700:21:08Ashford Wheelers
Alec Mayes 00:27:49TT/Road4Still @ 06:0800:21:41Ashford Wheelers
26 Apr 2017
Evening 10
Marshalls: unknown
Name Time Bike Points Road bike pts. H'cap points Handicap H'cap time Club Comment
Neil Lauder00:20:36TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Dan Martin00:21:27TT/RoadThanet Road Club
Emma Lewis00:21:54TT/RoadAprire/HSS Hire
Lee Buckman00:22:19TT/Road10Set @ 01:19Ashford Wheelers
Andy Branson 00:22:32TT/Road9Set @ 01:32Ashford Wheelers
William Murtagh00:23:05TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Stewart King00:23:11TT/Road8Set @ 02:11Ashford Wheelers
Danny Frost00:23:39TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Trevor Bridge00:23:39TT/Road7Set @ 02:39Ashford Wheelers
Stephen Marchant00:24:29TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Paul Simmons00:24:56TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Michael Newman 00:25:08TT/Road6Set @ 04:08Ashford Wheelers
Lee Smith00:25:39TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Rob Sparks00:25:51TT/Road5Set @ 04:51Ashford Wheelers
Mick James 00:25:56TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Andy Cornwell 00:26:07TT/Road4Set @ 05:07Ashford Wheelers
David Hampton 00:26:51TT/Road3Ashford Wheelers
Clara Wood00:27:02TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Alec Mayes 00:27:08TT/Road2Set @ 06:08Ashford Wheelers
Kevin Newman00:28:49TT/Road1Set @ 07:49Ashford Wheelers
Lesley Newman 00:32:18TT/RoadSet @ 11:18Ashford Wheelers
19 Apr 2017
Evening 10
Chilly with a moderate wind
Marshalls: S Marchant/K & J Brice/B Burden/S Robinson/N Lauder
Name Time Bike Points Road bike pts. H'cap points Handicap H'cap time Club Comment
Joshua Clark00:21:40TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Paul Morton00:21:53TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Lee Buckman00:22:07TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Andy Branson 00:22:29TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Matt Lewis00:22:48TT/RoadAshford Road Club
Tom Morton00:22:49TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Steve Clarke 00:22:53TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Danny Frost00:23:18TT/RoadFolkestone Velo Club
Colin Woollard 00:23:35TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Andy Robinson 00:23:42TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
William Murtagh00:23:49TT/RoadRye & District Wheelers
Trevor Bridge00:24:07TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Adrian Heathfield00:24:09TT/RoadDirect Power CT
Mick Claydon 00:24:41TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Matt Clark00:25:16TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Mick James 00:25:37TT/RoadPMR @ Toachim House
Garry Curley00:26:14TT/RoadAshford Tri Club
Stewart King00:26:27TT/RoadAshford WheelersLow Gear
Michael Newman 00:26:44TT/RoadAshford WheelersLow Gear
Andy Cornwell 00:27:00TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Paul Britton 00:27:12TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Alec Mayes 00:27:44TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Rob Wood00:28:34TT/RoadAshford WheelersLow Gear
Don Dewar 00:28:51TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
Rob Sparks00:28:55TT/RoadAshford WheelersLow Gear
Lesley Newman 00:30:50TT/RoadAshford Wheelers
David Hampton DNFTT/RoadAshford Wheelers

Season 2024 Season 2023 Season 2022 Season 2021 Season 2020 Season 2019 Season 2018 Season 2016 Season 2015 Season 2014 Season 2013 Season 2012 Season 2011 Season 2010 Season 2009 Season 2008 Season 2007